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Unit Tests and Mocks

In the pursuit of optimal code coverage with JUnit tests, there will inevitably be code that interacts with environments that are not available at the time of compiling the code. The solution here is mocking.

Sometimes this can just be done by creating a separate class that extends an existing class, overriding specific methods. Stephan Wissel blogged about this recently in his blog post about Unit Tests and Singletons. But more often you need to intercept and change the behaviour of specific code within a method your unit test is calling. This is where Mockito comes in. This allows you to instantiate a call to mock an object and intercept specific methods of that object.

Creating the object is done with the static method Mockito.mock(), so:

final Session s = Mockito.mock(Session.class);
final NotesDatabase db = Mockito.mock(NotesDatabase.class);
final NotesNote fakeNote = Mockito.mock(NotesNote.class);
final NotesItem fakeItem = Mockito.mock(NotesItem.class);

The static method Mockito.when() allows you then to intercept the call. For methods that take no parameters or ones where you are looking for a specific input, that's straightforward.


But it's more likely that you're calling a method that requires parameters and you don't want to specify them. This is where the static methods of ArgumentMatchers come in - e.g. ArgumentMatchers.anyString(), ArgumentMatchers.anyInt(), and most useful of all ArgumentMatchers.any() to match an object of any class.

final NotesDbQueryResult result = mock(NotesDbQueryResult.class);
when(db.query(anyString(), any(), anyInt(), anyInt())).thenReturn(result);

But how do you then handle a Document containing fields and values? One option here is to redirect the calls to return the corresponding value in a JSON object. Instead of thenReturn() we use then(). Then takes as its parameter an Answer which says what to do to find what it should return. Because Java 8 is available, it makes sense to use a lambda. So the code is like this:

JsonObject doc = new JsonObject();
// Load your JsonObject from a resource
final Document mockDoc = mock(Document.class);
when(mockDoc.getItemValueString(anyString())).then(invocation -> doc.getString(invocation.getArgument(0)));

So what's happening here is that getItemValueString() will be redirected to JsonObject.getString(). But getItemValueString() takes a parameter, which we need to get the corresponding value from the JsonObject. This array of parameters or arguments are what's passed into the then part. So we can retrieve it with invocation.getArgument(0). If the method we were mocking had more arguments, we could access them as invocation.getArgument(1), invocation.getArgument(2) etc.

Things get more complicated though when the code you're mocking is iterating over a collection. You could use a single JsonObject, but you may want to return different JsonObjects each time. So you need a way to get the relevant JsonObject depending on which loop you're in. But if you try to just use an Integer and increment it, you'll find it doesn't compile. There's a solution here - AtomicInteger. This allows you to increment it from one mock method and access it from another. You can now use code like this:

JsonArray docs = new JsonArray();
// Load your JsonArray or JsonObjects from a resource
AtomicInteger ordinal = new AtomicInteger(0);
final Document mockDoc = mock(Document.class);
// If nextDoc() is called before processing this document, use ordinal.intValue() - 1, because ordinal will already be the NEXT document
when(mockDoc.getItemValueString(anyString())).then(invocation -> docs.getJsonObject(ordinal.intValue()).getString(invocation.getArgument(0)));

final DocumentCollection dc = mock(DocumentCollection.class);
when(dc.getNextDocument(any())).then(invocation -> {
    if (ordinal.intValue == docs.size()){
        return null;
    } else {
        return mockDoc;

The mockDoc mock object is used regardless of which document we're getting from the loop. We just use the AtomicInteger ordinal to make sure we're pointing to the relevant element of the JsonArray. Because for the first document we want the first element of the array, in dc.getFirstDocument() we just return mockDoc. For getNextDocument(), we don't care about the parameter passed in so we don't need to use invocation.getArgument(0). But we do need to specify the method that should run, so we need the lambda. We need to increment ordinal each time and then either return a document or null, depending on whether or not we've reached the end of the JsonArray.

So we can now perform unit tests on more methods and get more code coverage.