IBM Think

Docker, Java and Processes

12 Dec 2021

Whether it’s Docker or Kubernetes (or some flavour thereof), running microaservices in containers is a powerful option. It can make it easy to deploy development or test systems, ensuring consistency across your devlopment team. But when you move from consuming to building, particularly when you’re building less out-of-the-box containers, there are some deeper elements that you need to be aware of.


At the end of your Dockerfile, there will be a command for how to start the container. There are two options here:

  • CMD followed by a command to run and parameters to pass to it.
  • ENTRYPOINT passing a file to run using the default shell.

For those who are not Linux masters, it’s important to bear in mind that the default shell differs for different Linux base images. If your starting image is Ubuntu, the default is dash (Debian Almquist Shell) and possibly also in Debian. This may have unexpected consequences. If bash is in use on all base images you’re using, it may be preferable to use CMD ["/bin/bash", ""].

There is a more significant point with regard to how the Java program runs and how stopping the container interacts with it.

How Started Process / Sub-Process SIGTERM Received By
ENTRYPOINT, java -jar Sub-Process Shell process
ENTRYPOINT, exec java -jar Process Java JVM
CMD [“/bin/bash”], java -jar Sub-Process bash
CMD [“/bin/bash”], exec java -jar Process Java JVM
CMD [“java”] Process Java JVM
Google Jib image Process Java JVM
Lightweight init system, e.g. “dumb-init” Process Java JVM

Again for those who are not Linux experts, in the entrypoint, java -jar myJar & will ensure the stdout goes to the container log. If switching to exec java -jar you need to remove the & at the end.

If the Java JVM is running as a sub-process, by default it will not receive the SIGTERM signal that shuts down the container or other signal. So if you want to shut down your Java program gracefully, the shell script needs to pass on the signal. There are various ways to do that, and the right way may depend on Java program.

If the Java program is the main process, it will receive the SIGTERM signal. You can catch that by adding a Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook() and action accordingly. This, for example, is how Vertx catches the SIGTERM signal and calls the stop() method of each verticle to gracefully shut them down.

You may want to confirm which processes are running in the container and which is the main process. I found this StackOverflow question which gave the answers: docker <container id> top lists all processes, and docker inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}' <container id> gives the main process.

Java As The Sub Process

However, there are scenarios where, even though Java is the main process and a shutdown hook has been added via Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(), it doesn’t trigger. I had this recently and, although I was able to identify the code that caused this, I wasn’t able to completely understand why. The symptom was that no output was printed from the stop() method of Vertx verticles and a SIGKILL was sent to the container, killing the JVM. The status for the Docker container shutting down was 137, which means the SIGKILL was sent. If the container was created with stop-timeout=-1, to set no timeout when sending the SIGTERM, and so never send the SIGKILL, the container could not be stopped.

In this scenario, to get around the problem of the shutdown hook not working, the solution was to not run the Java program as the main process.

Then the shell script needs to remain running, trap the SIGTERM, and shut down the Java program. Daniel Nashed’s Docker entrypoint script for Domino gives a good example of how to do those first two points. The first part is the loop at line 120:

while true
  sleep 1

exit 0

This triggers an infinite loop at the end of the shell script. The final line’s exit 0 never gets reached.

The second part - catching the SIGTERM - is covered at line 64, trap "stop_server" 1 2 3 4 6 9 13 15 19 23. The trap command receives a function name to trigger when the signals are trapped (“stop_server”), and a list of signals to trap. This catches a variety of signals and (thanks to Daniel for the information) these are listed in a table halfway down the man page on signals. The key ones is 15 (SIGTERM).

The “stop_server” function is at line 44. Any echo commands will also print to the container’s log, so you can verify that your function has triggered. Once you have shut down your Java program - that will depend on your Java code - calling exit 0 will cleanly shut down the container.


It took me quite some time to troubleshoot and understand all of this. But it has given me a much deeper understanding of containers, which I’m sure will be important for the future.

Posted with : Java, Containers