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Mixing web.xml and Annotations

Over the last few months a lot of what I've had to do has come from combining frameworks. Usually one of those frameworks is Vaadin. But whenever you're combining frameworks of any kind, it usually means some content is pre-configured, which may conflict with settings in another framework. If you're not familiar with the framework and the technologies in use, it's a lot like looking at hieroglyphics without a Rosetta Stone! The result is a lot of learning on the job.


Before I started working with IBM's XPages framework in 2009, I was starting to use AJAX calls in web applications and starting to dig into Dojo charting options for an application. So not unsurprisingly, when I started with XPages I blogged quite a bit about Dojo charts and understandably chose to write the Dojo-related chapter and a half of "XPages Extension Library". I also contributed a Dijit Tooltip custom control and an extension to the Dojo Legend component, to allow more sophisticated formatting of the legend.