Statistics Publishing and Reporting Part One
Part One: Domino and Statistics
Part Two: Prometheus
Part Three: Micrometer and Prometheus
Part Four: Micrometer and Composite Registries
Domino V10 and Statistics Publishing
One of the big additions in Domino V10 was statistics publishing, initially focused on New Relic. But as Daniel Nashed showed this can easily be re-routed to other locations, for example a Domino database. When I worked at Intec I tried the New Relic reporting on Domino early on and was very impressed at what was provided. My response wasn't focused on what statistics were delivered - what is outputted is not the important factor, it can easily be change. My opinion came from how easy it was to set up. New Relic itself is straightforward, but what needed to be done on the Domino side was even easier - a few Notes.ini settings, restarting and the statistics flowed. Since the days of Embedded Experiences I have been convinced that ease of implementation is critical for adoption, and adoption is key to value for effort.