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Introducing My New Blog

Welcome to my new blog. It may seem a lot of effort to switch from one blog to another. But I've been working with Material for MKDocs for some years, thanks to Stephan Wissel, and it's a great framework for documentation. I've been aware of the blog plugin for some time, so it made sense to consider it as a good fit for the future.

Reaping the Benefits of Standard

More than three years ago we began work on VoltScript. A little over a year ago we released our first Early Access code drop. There were certain core principles to which we developed. Two of these were a modern developer experience and adoption of standard development practices.

Over recent weeks I received ample evidence of the benefits as I improved and extended Archipelago, the build management engine of VoltScript.

XPages App to Web App: Part Ten - Ship Form Actions

In the last two parts we created our first web component and converted the login function into services we could use for all data interactions, the first use being to load data for any select controls in the application. Now it's time to create the ship form.

XPages App to Web App: Part Nine - Services

We've got a login and a landing page, we're ready to start building the bulk of the application now. But we need the data. In part six we handled the login, both for a mock session and the actual authentication to Domino REST API. But that format is going to quickly get messy as we build out the rest of the application. We can do better.