Speaking Engagements
OpenNTF Webinar, May 2024, VoltScript Deep Dive, recording, slides
Engage, Apr 2024, "OpenNTF Guide to Open Source for HCL Products" - slides
Engage, Apr 2024, "VoltScript Overview", slides
Engage, Apr 2024, "Engage Super Pro-Code Mode: Web Apps Without Frameworks" - slides and code
OpenNTF Webinar, May 2023, "Understanding Collections, Maps and More in Domino Languages", recording, slides OpenNTF Webinar, April 2023, "Getting to Know Domino REST API", recording, slides Engage, Mar 2023, "Volt MX Go: Introduction to VoltScript and Unit Testing"
OpenNTF Webinar, Sept 2022, "Domino on Docker (and free alternatives)" (with Martin De Jong), recording, slides
HCL Factory Tour, Sept 2022, "Introduction to VoltScript"
Engage, May 2022, Domino REST API
OpenNTF Webinar, Sept 2021, "Domino Online Meeting Integration (DOMI)" (with Rocky Oliver and Devin Olson), recording, slides OpenNTF Webinar, Aug 2021, "Git and GitHub Explained" (with Jesse Gallagher), recording, slides OpenNTF Webinar, July 2021, "HCL Presents Keep, a new API for Domino" (with Stephan Wissel), recording, slides
OpenNTF Webinar, Dec 2020, "The Volt MX LotusScript Toolkit", recording, slides
Collabsphere, Sept 2020, Rich Text on the Web
Engage, Mar 2020, "Keep It (Not) Secret, Keep It Safe" - slides
Engage, Mar 2020, "Driven by Events" - slides
Engage, Mar 2020, "Don't Think Outside The Box" - slides
Intec Webinar, May 2019, "The Future of Collaboration Solutions Under HCL" - recording
Engage, May 2019, "Introduction to Node-RED" (with Fredrik Malmborg, PSK Syd) - slides, source code, blog
Engage, May 2019, "Modernising Your Domino and XPages Applications" - slides, source code, blog
Engage, May 2019, "AI: What Is It Good Far?" - slides, blog
Social Connections 14, Oct 2018, "ICS Integration with Node-RED and Open Source" (with Stefano Pogliani, IBM) - slides
Social Connections 14, Oct 2018, "You Get What You Give" (with Luis Suarez, Panagenda) - slides
ICON UK, Sept 2018, "Do You Wanna Build A Chatbot" - slides
Engage, May 2018, "Tips and Tricks: Domino and JavaScript Development MasterClass" - slides, source code, blog
IBM Think 2018, Mar 2018, "Tips and Tricks: Domino and JavaScript Development MasterClass" (with John Jardin, Agilit-e) - slides, source code
IBM Think 2018, Mar 2018, "Developing with Watson Work Services Java SDK" - slides, demo app
IBM Think 2018, Mar 2018, "Social Zero to Community Hero"
Red Pill Now, Dec 2017, "Migration vs Modernization", blog post
Social Connections, Oct 2017, "Using Watson Work Services Java SDK" - slides, demo app
Engage, May 2017, "GraphQL 101" - slides
IBM Connect, Feb 2017, "OpenNTF Domino API (ODA): Super-Charging Domino Development" (with Stephan Wissel, IBM) - slides
IBM Connect, Feb 2017, "GraphQL 101" - slides
TLCC Webinar, Dec 2016, "Marty, You're Just Not Thinking Fourth Dimensionally", recording, slide, demo database
ICON UK, Sept 2016, "Find Your Data - Use GraphDB Capabilities in XPages Applications - and Beyond" - slides
Engage, Mar 2016, "'Marty, You're Just Not Thinking Fourth Dimensionally': Troubleshooting XPages" - PDF download
TLCC Webinar, Apr 2016, "Getting Started with the OpenNTF Domino API" - recording
IBM Connect, Feb 2016, "'Marty, You're Just Not Thinking Fourth Dimensionally': Troubleshooting XPages" - slides, demo database
Social Connections, Nov 2015, "Crossworlds: Unleash the Power of Domino for Connections Development" - slides
ICON UK, Sept 2015, "To Infinity and Beyond: OpenNTF Domino API and CrossWorlds" - slides
Engage, Mar 2015, "Jedi and Sith: OpenNTF Domino API and CrossWorlds" (with Daniele Vistalli, Factor-y) - slides
IBM ConnectED, Jan 2015, "BP106 From XPages Hero To OSGi Guru: Taking The Scary Out Of Building Extension Libraries" (with Christian Guedemann, Webgate) - slides, demo
IBM ConnectED, Jan 2015, "XPages Performance and Scalability" (with Tony McGuckin, IBM) - slides
ICON UK, Sept 2014, "What's New and Next in OpenNTF Domino API" - slides
ICON UK, Sept 2014, "From XPages Hero to OSGi Guru: Taking the Scary out of Building Extension Libraries" (with John Cooper, JCB) - slides
TLCC Webinar, May 2014, "It's Not Infernal: Dante's None Circles of XPages Heaven" - recording
Engage, Mar 2014, "OpenNTF Domino API: The Community API" - slides
IBM Connect, Jan 2014, "Source Control: An End to End Solution" (with Declan Lynch, Czarnowski) - slides (337 slides)
IBM Connect, Jan 2014, "It’s Not Infernal: Dante’s Nine Circles of XPages Heaven" - slides, demo database
DanNotes, Nov 2013, "Embracing the power of the notes client" (with HP Dalen, IBM) - slides
DanNotes, Nov 2013, "Beyond Domino Designer" - slides
DanNotes, Nov 2013, "OpenNTF Domino API: Making Domino Work The Way You Want" - slides
ISBG (Norwegian IBM user group), Oct 2013, "The Eureka Moment: The Knowledge You Need to Understand XPages"
ISBG, Oct 2013, "The OpenNTF Domino API: Making Domino Work the Way You Want"
ICON UK, Sept 2013, "Mobilise Your Notes/Domino Applications with the IBM Mobile Controls" (on behalf of TLCC) - slides
ICON UK, Sept 2013, "org.openntf.domino: Making Domino Work The Way You Want" - slides and demo database
TLCC Webinar, May 2013, "It’s Not Herculean: 12 Tasks Made easier with IBM Domino XPages" - slides, recording
IBM Collaboration Solutions Community Meeting, Apr 2013
IBM Connect, Jan 2013, "It’s Not Herculean: 12 Tasks Made easier with IBM Domino XPages" (with Mike McGarel, Czarnowski) - slides, slides and demo database
UKLUG, Sept 2012, "Eureka! The Padawan's Guide to the Dark Side of XPages" (with Tim Tripcony, GBS) - slides
TLCC Webinar, Jul 2012, "Ask The XPages Experts" - recording
DanNotes, May 2012, "Ready, Set, Go! How IBM Lotus Domino XPages Became Mobile" - slides
DanNotes, May 2012, "The Eureka Moment: XPages Under the Covers" - slides, demo database
BLUG, Mar 2012, "Ready, Set, Go! How IBM Lotus Domino XPages Became" (with Eamon Muldoon, IBM) - slides and demo database
BLUG, Mar 2012, "The Eureka Moment: The JSF Knowledge You Need to Understand XPages" - slides, slides and demo database
TLCC Ask The XPerts, Dec 2011
The XCast (presenter), 2011
UKLUG, May 2011, "XPages Developer + Coffee = Code: A Little Bit of Java" - slides and demo database
BLUG, Mar 2011, "XPages: Enter the Dojo" - slides and demo database
EntwicklerCamp, Feb 2011, "XPages from a Different 'View'-point"
EntwicklerCamp, Feb 2011, "XPages Blast"
Lotusphere, Jan 2011, "XPages: Enter the Dojo" (with David Leedy, Czarnowski) - slides
ILUG, Nov 2010, "XPages: Enter the Dojo"
This Week In Lotus, Sept 2010
NLLUG, Sept 2010, "XPages from a Different 'View'-point" - slides,demo database video of final demo
BLUG, Mar 2010, "XPages from a Different 'View'-point" - slides, demo database
The XCast, Dec 2009